Victory in Cybercrime Case with Lottery Scamming Connection

The Financial Investigations Division (FID) was successful in the conclusion of a high-profile case involving identity information theft. Christopher Silent, the accused, appeared before Her Honour Mrs. G. Fraser in the Manchester Circuit on February 1, 2024, pleading guilty to Possession of Identity Information.

On February 6, 2024, Silent was sentenced to a fine of J$350,000 or a suspended two-year imprisonment term.

The case dates back to October 20, 2018, when the officers from the Constabulary Financial Unit (CFU), along with the Manchester Police Division, conducted a raid at Silent’s residence in Comfort District, Manchester. During the operation, officers executed a search warrant and discovered several broken electronic devices, including an HP laptop and a Samsung cellular phone. The items were seized and sent to the Information Technology Unit at FID for cyber analysis.

The examination of these devices revealed lottery scamming material and other documents on the undamaged hard drive of the laptop. This evidence was pivotal in the subsequent question and answer interview conducted with Silent, in the presence of his attorney, leading to his charge for Possession of Identity Information by an officer of the CFU.

The matter, initially heard in the Manchester Parish Court, was transferred to the Manchester Circuit Court, culminating in Silent’s sentencing.

In commenting on the case, Principal Director of  the FID’s Financial Crimes Investigation Branch, Keith Darien noted, “This case marks another significant step forward in the fight against financial crimes which are oftentimes coupled with cybercrime. It also highlights the importance of inter-agency collaboration in law enforcement.”

Adding that, “This case is a testament to the unwavering commitment of our officers in combating cybercrime and protecting citizens from identity theft. The successful resolution of this case sends a clear message that we will use every resource at our disposal to bring these criminals to justice.”

The Constabulary Financial Unit (CFU) is comprised of specialist officers in the Counter Terrorism and Organized Crime Investigation Branch (CTOC) of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) who are trained and certified in Financial Crimes Investigations techniques. These officers are embedded in the FID.